Sport day i over in SMI. I am so happy i also can take part in some of the competition which is held during the sport....... I was give a change to take part in the 400, 4 times 400, and also 800 meters.. but i can win all le.. Than i also got change to take part in MMB formation for sport day. I play Cymbal because we only go out 2 snare la.... ( What to do ).... but for me cymbal is a very good experience for me because cymbal player needs a lot of stamina to play. in the formation we play Malaguena ( SMI version ) only ( last minit prepare la )...... although we never perform well in reaseal but end up we can perform like DCI Who said a small group can perform well
We also play drum solo during the class march pass.... ( 2,3,4,8 )
you know
but one thing la my class lost again..... as usual march like what la..........
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